Great Recipes With Blueberries
It’s berry pickin’ time in Arkansas!

We always go to the gorgeous Wye Mountain flowers and berries to pick our own blueberries. We bring home buckets full and freeze them to last the year. You can also pick blackberries at Wye Mountain and they have gorgeous flowers that you can buy in bunches.
Blueberry picking is one of my favorite things. I find it such a calming and peaceful activity. You don’t have to stoop too much and the berries fall easily into your bucket. I love wandering through the blueberry bushes on the pretty hillside of the Wye Mountain Farm, bucket in hand, listening to the kerplink, kerplank, kerplunk of the berries. Haha. Yes, Blueberries For Sal was one of our favorite books when my children were little.
Here are a few recipes that we make regularly when the berries are in season and even deep into the winter with the berries that we have frozen. It is lovely to make a blueberry cobbler in January!
I hope that you enjoy this list of great recipes with blueberries!
Table of Contents
Great Recipes With Blueberries
Blueberry Buttermilk Chess Pie
The addition of blueberries takes your basic southern chess or buttermilk pie and turns it into something heavenly. By the way, if you want to know the difference between chess pie and buttermilk pie you can check out this article from Southern Living.
Y’all, this is absolutely our favorite dessert. I love this recipe from Bon Appetit. It is creamy and pudding-y and has a hint of orange flavor that pairs perfectly with the blueberries. This recipe calls for a vanilla bean which I don’t use. I just add a couple of teaspoons of vanilla. You will definitely want to zest an orange. The orange zest is perfect in this pie. I use a Microplane zester which is the best and made right here in Arkansas.
You won’t be sorry that you tried this one!
Blueberry Cobbler
Blueberry cobbler is our first and foremost and favorite thing we make when the berries ripen. We like a simple batter cobbler. I use a recipe from an old cookbook by Pam Anderson called The Perfect Recipe. This happens to be a great beginner cookbook that goes through some standard recipes and explains how to cook them perfectly.
Her batter cobbler recipe was featured here on Epicurious. This is the same recipe that is in her cookbook. It is one of the simplest desserts that you will ever make and is scrumptious! This batter works great with blackberries and peaches as well. We have tried it with strawberries but the result is not as good because the strawberries have too much moisture and the cobbler doesn’t set up properly.
Blueberry Lemon Iced Tea
Iced tea is so refreshing on a hot summer day and this Blueberry lemon iced tea takes it to another level! It is sweet and delicious and allows you to drink some anti-oxidents with your sugar and caffeine. Hah! My pretty pitcher was a gift from a trip to Guatemala, but this pitcher is similar and would be so pretty for tea or margaritas! You can find my perfect southern sweet tea recipe here.
Blueberry Baked Oatmeal
Oats and nuts and blueberries. Oh my. This Blueberry Baked Oatmeal from Cookie and Kate is so good for you and delicious as well. We love to have this recipe around for breakfast! You can add some yogurt on the side. It is yummy warm or chilled and it keeps well in the refrigerator for a few days.
Note: The gold pan that this was baked in is a goldtouch from Williams Sonoma. It was pricy but we love it!
Blueberry Pie
My friend, Susan, blogs at That Susan Williams. Besides being a great cook she is also an amazing story teller. You will enjoy her writing and her recipes! I make her homemade blueberry pie at least once a year.
This is confession time. Shhhh. I usually buy a pre-made crust. If I’m doing a one crust pie I just get one frozen in a pie plate. For this recipe and other two crust pies I buy the Pillsbury ones that come rolled up. They are actually pretty good, but at least once in your life you should make this blueberry pie with a homemade crust! The pie is already amazing but the homemade crust definitely takes it to another level.
Blueberry Muffins
It’s not blueberry season until you make some blueberry muffins! My favorite recipe is an old one that I got years ago when we lived in Florida. They are the blueberry muffins that were sold at the now defunct department store Jordan Marsh. The Jordan Marsh blueberry muffins are famous and for good reason! They are moist and delicious and just sweet enough. I think the secret is that you mash up some of the blueberries before you put them in the batter. Seriously so good.
Blueberry Smoothie
Nothing is uglier than a green smoothie with added blueberries, but nothing tastes better than a green smoothie with added blueberries. Force your mind to get past the grey-ish, greenish color and get some nutrition into your body!. We eat a lot of green smoothies for breakfast and we put them together differently each time. The list below will give you the general idea of what we do, but of course you change it up to suit your personal taste!
Just combine in the blender
- 1 banana
- 1 handful spinach
- 1 handful kale
- 1 cup or 2 cups of frozen blueberries
- unsweetened coconut water (add as much as you need to make the smoothie blend-able.
- You can add ice if you like your smoothie more slushy
- Add in your “extras” we often do ground flaxseed, or you could add some protein powder
If you just can’t get past the color then try a blueberry smoothie without the greens. Just use some frozen blueberries and some plain or vanilla Greek yogurt. It will taste great AND be beautiful!
Summer Berry Trifle
All of us older southern women and a lot of the young ones have a trifle dish sitting around that we hardly ever use. Mine is removed from it’s cabinet above the refrigerator twice a year. We make a delectable chocolate trifle at Christmas – I’ll definitely share that recipe one of these days – and then in the summer we usually create a berry trifle. If you want to have your own trifle dish I think this is a pretty and simple trifle dish.
We love this recipe for a Summer Berry Trifle from the website Once Upon a Chef. This one uses crunchy lady fingers. You do have to let it sit overnight before serving so plan accordingly. I actually like to use make ahead recipes for special events. If you can’t find the ladyfingers you can also use pound cake in this recipe and it is just as good!
We served this for Father’s Day, but how gorgeous would it be for a 4th of July party?!
I hope that you have enjoyed these blueberry recipes! Be sure and also check out our favorite recipes with strawberries!
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